Tuesday, October 21, 2008

VeganMoFo day 4 : chickpeas, I just can't get enough.

Today I will actually cook something up and show it to you.

When i started writing about chickpeas, the idea was to share the wonderful versatility of chickpea flour as a vegan fast (to cook)food. Beans take a long time to cook, cans are a heavy load when backpacking.
Aaaah: chickpea flour ( garbanzo bean flour, besan, gram flour).

So, here's a recipe i have looked at many times: Senega Pachadi, besan chutney, from Sailu's Kitchen. Tonight let's cook it up as a fast sauce for with the brown rice. Ingredient wise there's only one clove of garlic left, but there's a piece of ginger, grate it up and put it in.

Ingredients on the picture here, clockwise from the top: ginger, chickpea flour, mustard seeds, cumin seeds, prehistoric seasalt with lots of trace elements, red pepper paste. These are not the exact measurements, just the ingredients i used for roasting (garlic clove already in).

So while you click back and forth between Sailus recipes and this page, here's what the mixture looks like after toasting:

Another missing ingredient is the tamarind. So instead we got some molasses and vinegar in the fridge. Works for me.
I have to add more water to the mixture to make it this watery. But here it is. Hope i haven't overtoasted, it's tricky, really don't leave it alone to run back to the computer!

Honey, dinner's ready. We had this on brown rice, i am a freak for brown rice and just need something to eat with it.

Yes, it was yummie. And so easy and fast. I am finally learning to whip up some quick meals, real handy when you have a baby around.
Again, I have no reference as to how "authentic" this came out, I have never had it before, but cheers were heard tonight! Thank you Sailu for the recipe.

1 comment:

  1. wow molasses and vinegar instead of tamarind. I need the recipe conversion chart for that... you know.. if you dont have caraway seeds... you can use...
    lol I am serious, thats brilliant!
